Innate Radiance Acupuncture

Acupuncture, Health and Wellness


Innate Radiance, housed at Innate Health Clinic, is a health and wellness practice using Acupuncture, East Asian Medicine, with gentle Traditional and Classical Chinese Medicine, Toyohari (Japanese Meridian Acupuncture) as well
as Therapeutic Massage, Cranio-Sacral therapy, Acutonic and herbal and nutritional therapies, among others.

About the Owners

Natalie-Pascale Boisseau, EAMP-LAc LMP is a licensed East-Asian Medicine and Massage practioner. She is certified in Cranio-Sacral therapy and Toyohari (Japanese Meridian Acupuncture) as well as practiced with NADA, the detoxification protocol. She has experience in hospital and group settings, and as instructor and public speaker.


2pm to 7 pm

11am to 5pm

9:30am to 5:30pm

9:30am to 1:00pm

9:30am to 5:00 pm

Call for appointments or reserve online.

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Advisory Board meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 8:00 a.m. Click for details.

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